The Hmong Language Resource Hub grew out of Hmong language, literacy, and culture teachers working together with youth, elders, artists, community members, and community organizations to create and share linguistically and culturally sustaining curriculum materials that connect school classrooms and the community. These units and materials, created by and for the Hmong community are free and openly available for anybody to access, share, and adapt.
We are also excited that the resources and structure might be able to provide additional support to other displaced and less commonly taught (heritage) language communities to create their own community-designed curricular materials and guidance/standards for teaching to support more linguistically and culturally sustaining education for their children in U.S. schools and community organization settings.
We are particularly proud about the number of Hmong programs and their teachers who have been a part of this: eight public school districts, six public charter schools, and four public colleges/universities from across the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California.
Our Goals
To create and provide free access to community-designed teaching and learning principles for Hmong language, literacy, and culture teaching.
To encourage, support, and equip teachers to prevail in teaching the Hmong language arts.
To invoke curiosity in Hmong Language Arts learners through diverse approaches to knowledge sharing.

Dedicated to Change
We believe that information and instructional materials that are created by the community should be available for the community and those who teach children with Hmong heritage—for free.
We believe in infusing the arts, Hmong ethnic studies, and community-driven desires in to Hmong studies curriculum and education in schools where Hmong children and young adults learn in order to better preserve, advance and cultivate value in the Hmong language.
This work was primarily funded by the Community Conversations grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service and from mini-grants from UW-Whitewater’s College of Education and Professional Development. The work exists because of a strong mesh of partnerships between theNational Hmong Language Teacher Coalition, Heritage Language Education and UW-Whitewater, Hmong Educational Resources Publishing, Coalition for Asian American Leaders, Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), Hmong Archives, and the Education for Liberation Minnesota Chapter.